All children are expected to wear our school uniform. This consists of navy blue skirt/trousers, ‘jade’, a white or navy polo top and a sweatshirt or cardigan. All these items, with the school logo, may be purchased from School, through our supplier. The logo is not compulsory, and you may be able to buy suitable clothing from a local shop.
We regularly ensure that donated uniform is washed and made available for parents/carers to collect. If you need any support, please contact the school.
Take a look at this great scheme in Leeds, the Leeds School Uniform Exchange.
SPT Uniform
115 Main St, Garforth, Leeds LS25 1AF
Children should wear sensible flat shoes. Shoes with high heels are not appropriate neither are flip-flops in the summer time.
All items of clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name.
Jewellery, or other body adornments, must not be worn in school. Children will be asked to remove jewellery which will remain the child’s responsibility. It can be a safety hazard, and it encourages theft. Watches are acceptable at the owner’s risk.
Earrings are of particular concern due to the danger they present to your child during PE and at playtimes. For this reason, we would prefer your child not to wear earrings but, if this is not possible, only studs should be worn.
For PE, children will need a plain white T-shirt and a pair of plain navy blue shorts. They will need trainers or pumps for outdoor PE; indoor PE is done barefoot. Children should attend school in their PE kit on PE days. You will be informed of the days on which your child does PE. PE kit should be named.
During PE, long hair must be tied back, and ear studs must be removed. * If your child is unable to remove the studs his/herself, then they should not be worn on PE days. We suggest that, if you wish your child to have his/her ears pierced, it is carried out during the summer holiday, when they do not have to be removed for some weeks; otherwise, they should be covered with elastoplasts for PE.
Watches need to be removed for PE and remain the child’s responsibility.
Parents appreciate that these measures are taken in the interests of children’s safety and well-being and are in accordance with the Local Authority’s, and national, Health and Safety Guidance.
Children go to Rothwell baths for swimming lessons in Year 6. Your child will need a swimming costume and towel in a suitable, waterproof bag. Your child’s teacher will tell you on which days swimming equipment is needed.
Children are not permitted to bring toys from home – this inevitably causes disappointment and disruption when they are lost, broken or stolen.
Children may bring things in to show the teacher and their class, but not toys to play with at playtime. (This includes collectable cards/stickers).
Children should not bring money to school unless it is for a specific purpose and is handed to a member of staff.
Mobile phones are not permitted in school.
The school has the right to confiscate forbidden items (including mobile phones, sweets, medicine, money, and knives), which will be returned to a pupil at the end of the day to take home.
The school cannot accept responsibility for any items brought into school – any item brought into school is brought at the owner’s risk and is not covered by any insurance policy. Ensuring that all your child’s removable clothing is named will avoid the difficulties which arise when items are lost. Lost property is kept in a large box, and we regularly give children and parents the opportunity to reclaim their lost property. Whatever remains unclaimed at the end of each term is given to a local charity.
School closed to pupils
Easter Monday
May Day
School closed to pupils
Monday 2nd Sept to Friday 25th Oct
Monday 24th Feb to Thursday 3rd April
Monday 6th Jan to Friday 14th Feb
Monday 4th Nov to Friday 20th Dec
Tuesday 22nd Apr to Friday 23rd May
Christmas Holidays
Monday 23rd Dec to Friday 3rd Jan
Half Term
Monday 28th Oct to Friday 1st Nov
Half Term
Monday 17th Feb to Friday 21st Feb
Easter Holidays
Monday 7th Apr to Monday 21st Apr
Half Term
Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May
Summer Holidays
Monday 21st Jul to Friday 29th Aug
Monday 2nd June to Friday 18th Jul
Here are our curricular plans for each class. This year we are currently on cycle B.