Children may either eat a delicious dinner provided by award winning JPL Catering Services which conforms to recommended nutritional standards, or they may bring a packed lunch.
Children will be offered water or fruit juice to drink. For special diets and vegetarian meals please make enquiries at the school.
Children in Snow Leopard Class and Northern Hemisphere are entitled to a free school meal every day.
Whether they have a school dinner or a packed lunch, we encourage children to eat all their food as we are working hard to prevent waste and teach children about the importance of sustainability (not to mention the importance of a healthy diet!).You can view Swillington Primary’s School Food policy on the Policies and Procedures page.
The cost of school meals is £2.40 per day for Polar Bear Class and Southern Hemisphere.
Dinner money should be paid in advance via Arbor. Some parents find it more convenient to pay for a half term or a term at a time. The school will provide you with a breakdown of the costs if you prefer to pay in this way.
As school dinners have to be ordered in advance, please give one week’s notice if you wish your child to change from school dinners to packed lunches, or vice versa.
Parents will be notified of any changes made to dinner arrangements.
We understand the current times are tricky for some families, please contact school if we can support with meal payments.
If you are entitled to free school meals, one will be provided for your child. If you need advice about this please contact the Leeds Benefits Service. Tel. 0113 2477247 or you can find advice on the Leeds Gov website
Packed lunches may be brought to school in a plastic container clearly labelled with your child’s name and class. For your child’s safety please do not send food or drinks in cans or glass containers. Yoghurts may be included, and a cold drink, as long as it is in a carton or unbreakable container.
Fizzy drinks are not allowed. Please support us by sending fruit juice or encouraging your child to drink water, which will be provided.
Sweets are not allowed. If your child’s lunch includes sweets, the supervisory staff will take the sweets to the office where they can be collected at the end of the day and taken home. We discourage children from eating crisps as they are not healthy. If you wish to give your child a snack for playtime please provide fruit to put in their trays, not in their lunchboxes.
The school takes part in the National 5 a day initiative by providing a free piece of fruit every day to all children in Foundation Stage and KS1.
It is the school’s policy to encourage children to drink water throughout the day, in order to develop healthy bodies and healthy brains! Children should bring their own water bottle – the best type of bottles are those with ‘sports’ tops. This can be re-filled at school, but should be taken home to be washed every weekend.
You can view Swillington Primary’s Packed Lunch policy below.
All children are provided with a small carton of milk each day. A nominal charge of £30.00 per year is required to cover the cost – this is subsidised by the EEC. The payment should be made in September for the whole year.
School closed to pupils
Easter Monday
May Day
School closed to pupils
Monday 2nd Sept to Friday 25th Oct
Monday 24th Feb to Thursday 3rd April
Monday 6th Jan to Friday 14th Feb
Monday 4th Nov to Friday 20th Dec
Tuesday 22nd Apr to Friday 23rd May
Christmas Holidays
Monday 23rd Dec to Friday 3rd Jan
Half Term
Monday 28th Oct to Friday 1st Nov
Half Term
Monday 17th Feb to Friday 21st Feb
Easter Holidays
Monday 7th Apr to Monday 21st Apr
Half Term
Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May
Summer Holidays
Monday 21st Jul to Friday 29th Aug
Monday 2nd June to Friday 18th Jul
Here are our curricular plans for each class. This year we are currently on cycle B.